Well, I am sure that many of you have got the case of the 'wandering feet' and I am sure that like me, many of you are thinking of the next place to visit. Well, that is what I was planning on doing today, especially as the heat was getting to be intolerable. So I decided to go to the roof top restaurant and have a coffee while I let my wandering mind take me to terrains I have not visited yet.
With coffee, one cannot help but think of places like Brazil or Spain, with Spain being one of my hot favorites, the people, the land, the architecture and more importantly, the cuisine. Anyway getting back to the story, as I was pondering whether to visit Spain once again, the wind literally blew my porcelain coffee cup out of my hand and right on to my lap. So imagine yourself in my place, cursing the wind and getting soaked all the way to the undies with strong, bitter hot coffee.
If things were supposed to get better after that, well, someone read the dialogue wrong somewhere. For what happened next would make even the Florida hurricane sit up and take note of it. Let us just say that the wind blew hard and cold, accompanied with but naturally biting bullets of rain. So there I was thinking of places to visit on account of the heat and all of a sudden, I am getting drenched from top to bottom [not to be taken literally, the last part, that is] with cold water from the skies above.
The end result was that my coffee was on the floor, with the restaurant's guests getting soaked to the skin with anything and everything showing up to perfection and I thought to myself, that it seems that the heavens are not intent on my traveling anywhere for the moment. So the decision was made, to put up with the intolerable weather for the moment, both hot and cold, all at the same time. A tempest, it sure was, one that any Goldilocks would have loved but it was just not up to my taste.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Coffee, a tempest and wet dreams.
Posted by
2:24 PM
Labels: coffee, cold, drink, hotel, mini-bar, rain, restaurants, weather
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Traveling headaches and the 'Down under' solution!
We all like to travel on impulse, maybe we may feel like catching a flight to 'wonderful Spain' or even to 'romantic Paris', the city of light. But impulse traveling or not, there are quite a few issues we need to address head on before packing our respective bags. One of the major headaches while traveling is the insurance part of it, since most of the insurance packages that we have subscribed for do not even cover our overseas flight. In short, we all require the services of a nice insurance firm for our Travel insurance needs. Generally, travel related insurance packages are generally available only through travel agents and they cost an arm and a leg. With this Aussie company, Travel insurance direct, that is not the case and we can get the very best insurance packages at a fraction of what it would have originally cost us.
At last, now we can get access to a insurance package that is cost effective, for us that is. The insurance companies offer travel insurance at very competitive rates, sometimes at rates that are only half of what the travel agents charge. This is possible since you would be purchasing the respective insurance packages directly, thus cutting out the middle man.
With the travel insurance needs met, we should be able to rest more easy, knowing that we have access to insurance coverage that does not put a dimple on our respective wallets. So the next time we want to travel anywhere and require a travel insurance package, we know who to approach. With the 24 hour world wide support available, we can get all of our queries looked into and have access to the best travel insurance package currently available. Happy traveling, everyone!
The Indo-moroccan flavor!
Morocco, a place on the coast of Africa, has produced a myriad number of dishes which have made their way to India of late. The lamb Shashlik is not a dish that is unique to morocco but their style of preparation as well as the sauce is unique to that region.
Recently, I was able to taste the lamb Shashlik prepared in the Moroccan style of cooking, while being coated with a hot apricot sauce that is Moroccan in origin. Needless to say the combination was just perfect, the hot sauce managed to give the Shashlik a whole new flavor and the ensemble was just great.
This is a dish that one should not miss out on, just imagine the shashlik coated in the apricot sauce and being grilled, with all the Moroccan herbs and spices. I am sure that as you are reading this, your mouth must have started to water, because that is what happened to me as the smell of the grill caught me unawares. My suggestion, try the Moroccan cuisine, especially anything that comes with the apricot sauce and after that, you would not want to partake anything else.
Posted by
11:54 AM
Labels: cuisine, grill, india, morocco, organic food, shashlik, sizzler
Bora, Bora the myth and the legend!
Bora Bora, sounds like a mythical place, doesn't it? Well, it is a real place and one that is bound to knock your socks off. Take another look at the picture with this post and you will realize what I am talking about. This is the tropical island of all tropical islands and that is putting it mildly, to say the least. Bora Bora has been the subject of quite a few books as well as many number of movies, so in reality, even if you have not visited the place yet, you are bound to have heard of it. The Flights to Bora Bora take off from most of the major cities in the world so getting there should not be much of a problem.
But remember to go there when the season is in full swing, other wise you may well miss out on the atmosphere that a crowd can bring. Unless, you are looking for a bargain, in that case, traveling during the off season, you should be able to net quite a few good offers from rooms at half the rate to services at subsidized rates. Borabora has so many sights that I am not sure how to describe them all, think the movie "beach" then you may well have the idea of what this place is like. The perfect paradise to vacation in, with almost everything taken care of.
Naturally, for a place as hot as this one is, there are quite a few hotels here but one of the best ones is none other than the Hotel Bora Bora which is just perfect. This place has all the modern amenities and the cuisine here is just great. So for your next vacation, make a beeline to Bora bora and have a real vacation!
Posted by
11:24 AM
Beijing gearing up for the Olympics!
It is time that Beijing came to terms with the various problems, both internal and external and concentrated on providing the stage for the perfect Olympics ever. One can hope that this will be the gala to outshine every other one so far. China is a wonderful place to visit and if one is into games then the Olympics would be the best time to visit China. There are quite a few problems confronting China and one can hope that with time, the Chinese would be able to settle all outstanding issues. Given the length and breadth of China, it may be a bit overwhelming for the first time visitors. So take a moment prior to your trip to read more on this nation and its rich cultural history, try to re-discover the ancient links between China and India.
The religious traditions that are followed by the modern Chinese is quite fascinating in itself, for on one hand they believe in a system that does not allow for any religious sentiments, but on the other, they have this blind faith in god, astrology and sea- monsters. Modern China is quite interesting in that way, you would probably get to see a bit of the old China shine through all that Glitz and glamour, the interesting thing is that these two china's co-exist with one another. Coming back to traveling in China, one of the must see sights is none other than the Great Wall of China itself. The structure may or may not be visible from space but it is the only monument that has been in a stage of development for 2000 years and is still being built today. back then, it was built for the purpose of security but today it is being developed to conserve the Chinese cultural heritage.
From the Three gorges dam to the markets of Guangzong, there is quite a bit to see. It is always a good idea to read a travel guide or two to China before the commencement of the trip itself. In addition to providing information on places to see, these Travel guides will also provide information on hotels to stay at as well as which ones are good and so on. Have a great time in China and hope that you are able to get a few tickets to the Olympics!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skulls, a review!
The latest Indiana Jones installment from Stephen Spielberg falls short of the mark set by its predecessors, way short. The storyline is haphazard at the very best and does not cross all the t’s. The story is based primarily on the legend of the El Dorado, the mystical city of gold. The legend is that this city is built primarily of gold or that is how the story goes. The city is just a legend but going by it, it is a city that is built on gold and nothing else, something that this movie has played with.
In addition, the Indiana Jones, most of the installments had a very interesting prelude to the main movie, something that set the tone for the rest of the movie. But this one seems to have given all that a miss except for a nuclear explosion. What makes this a bit laughable is that a common refrigerator, one that is lead lined is supposed to offer one protection from a nuclear bomb. That is laughable at the very best, what a lead lined refrigerator will do is offer you protection from the radiation at the very best but not from the explosion, even a 6th grader would know that. But then again, we have to believe that it does and go with that.
The story line is not remarkable at all, from the quest of a missing friend to that of the city, the storyline is too vapid, one that is full of vapors, probably from all the helium, that we all need to see this movie with. The saving grace for this movie comes in the form of cate blanchett, who has performed her role to the very best, even exceeding it at certain points in the movie. It is a real pity that the story was too blasé to take advantage of her performance. For she made one of the best villains known so far, with all the series taken together. Her cool hard glaze was believable and her expressions of doubt that flashed across her face as she stood in the way of the moving truck did wonders to her performance.
For the story itself, well it seems that Stephen Spielberg did not do all the necessary hard work, for it would seem foolhardy to make a movie that uses archeology as a premise and connect it to outer space. But that is what has happened, with half the world believing that UFO’s are not real and the other half believing in them to the extent that half of the believers think that the UFO’s are a part of some government conspiracy, it is no wonder that this movie is not as popular as the rest of the series. For one, had the storyline been set in Russia, it may have seemed plausible. Anyway the damage is done and this is not a movie for serious moviegoers. The stunts, booby-traps and the rich content has all but disappeared from this movie. This is more like a B-grade movie at the very best and we can but pray that the next one, if there is going to be one will fare much better.
Posted by
12:32 PM
Labels: cate blanchett, film, harrison ford, Indiana jones, movie, new release, outer space, stepehn speildberg
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Coffee headaches while travelling?
Have you ever wondered why the rest of the world does not resemble your home? Well, if it did, then what is the point of traveling, is the quip I often get as an answer. The world is a huge place, that is a given, but what seems to escape most of us is the fact that each and every place has its own quaint customs and cuisine. The one way to truly appreciate the ambiance would be to make friends with the locals as well as try out some of their local cuisine.
Every time we travel, we will come across strange customs and new cuisine. Well, other than that, the most essential thing to remember is to respect their customs and traditions, as we would expect them to do while on our homeland. One of the things that I found a little bit difficult to get used to was a lack of strong coffee, while backpacking through Azerbaijan. I did get the coffee I wanted while staying in this great hotel, but the minute I stepped out of the air conditioned doors, well, it became something else altogether.
Azerbaijan is a beautiful country, from the top to the bottom, in ways you would not expect. For one, this place is such a mishmash of traditions and cultures, that I could not believe that I was in a Islamic country. The coffee that I got at the street stalls was nowhere near the black coffee that my system is used to, the result being that by the end of the day I had a splitting headache that was showing no signs of going anywhere.
It is important to remember to pack all of your medicines, the ones that you will need as well as the ones you may not need. With my headache in tow, I headed to the nearest pharmacy only to find out that saridon is not sold as saridon here and I did not know the name of its local variation. So, in the end, I got a herbal treatment for my headache, which was surprisingly effective.
There are a few things you may want to do before you head down Azerbaijan's way for one, get a language translation book if possible. That aside, remember to pack all the medicines that you may need. Try and research more on the place that you are planning to travel to. You can try one of the many sites for booking your hotel rooms and make sure that you have all the details with you when you travel, for example, I left mine in my desk drawer back at home and had quite a time in finding out which hotel I had booked. So if you want to avoid the headaches that I encountered, I suggest in trying to follow some of the guidelines that I have listed.
The cuisine that you will come across in this part of the world is rich in both content and variety. If you would like to experiment then this would be a wonderful place to begin it with. For one, I have never seen meat products being cooked the way that it has been done here here. There is a variety of products of both the vegetarian and the non vegetarian variety available here in Azerbaijan. You can snack on a lot of fast food items or try out their main courses, which are quite delicious. The food here is mildly spiced with spices such as cinnamon and saffron, and there is a ready to eat service available in most of the eateries. But there are a few places here in Azerbaijan which seems to have forgotten some of the basic rules of hygiene. So make sure that you choose the right place and as a precaution, make sure that you drink bottled water/boiled water.
Azerbaijan was an important place in the old silk route and as such, there are quite a few sights to see here. From the Shrivanshah palace to the national museum of Azerbaijan literature. My trip to Azerbaijan has certainly taught me quite a few things apart from not leaving my hotel details back at home. Hope that you would be able to have a great experience as I did on my trip to this warm and friendly country.
Posted by
6:23 PM
Labels: azerbaijan, cuisine, customs, fun, headache, organic food, travel
Nepal, the republic!
The Hindu kingdom of Nepal has become transformed to a republic, for the very first time in a long long while. While the political ramifications of discharging with the 300 year old monarchy is still being felt in Nepal and many of the neighbouring countries, the current situation should not have changed all that much for the weary traveller.
For one, the same hotels that operated then, still operate now and the only visible evidence of the current constitutional crisis in Nepal can be probably be seen by the speed with which the shops are fast removing their patronage to the king.
Of course, it is a bit confusing, the king is no longer the titular head and all that. But from a travellers perspective, it should not matter much.
All that political drama aside, Nepal still continues to be a draw for many a traveller and is the perfect point to start one's journey to mount Everest.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The gold and the silver jewellery!
With the fascination that we have for these precious metals, is it any wonder that we can now think of purchasing them with a second reason in mind? Namely investment reasons, as the price of both these metals has been racing towards the stratosphere of late. The reasons for this price hike could be many but the very basic reason is that most of the buyers of these metals see this as a long term investment umbrella, one that is not prone to the pull of the Wall Street.
Monex Deposit Company offers us a very good opportunity to purchase .9167 fine gold and silver of equally good quality if not more at fantastic rates. What is more any purchases that we make through Monex can be personally delivered to us or held for safekeeping at some intermediary bank until alternative arrangements can be made.
Both Gold and Silver are available through Monex in the bullion form as well as that of the ingots and coins form as well. We can purchase them in the required weight that we want as well. But the best of all is that when we purchase these metals through Monex, we can be assured of two things, one, the best rates possible and the other, the best quality metal that we can ever get our hands on. In addition to this, the Monex staff is all ready to assist us with our purchases right round the clock. So, if you are interested in precious metals, then you should start by paying these guys a visit!
The above details are based on the information provided by blogitive!
Posted by
12:19 PM
The summer heat!
Well it is march and the time of the year is all here once again. It is the start of the summer season and it looks like this summer is going to be a sizzler as usual. One can only pray that we would also have some summer rains as well so that the heat factor can be bought down by a huge margin.
Posted by
12:17 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Foreign experience in India!
First of all, some of the so called 'wild' behavior of the tourists, I have witnessed myself. The thing to remember is that whenever you visit a foreign country you should take care to pay heed to the local customs and traditions. Also, I have posted some guidelines here for the tourists visiting India for the first time.
Remember, India is a huge country and for the most part it is yet to adopt the western way. Just because you see a cow walking on the road that does not mean that the whole of India is backward or is still antiquated. Frankly, I do not see why seeing a cow on the street amazes the foreigners so much. The cows are present in the villages in the west as well, so why is it that an Indian cow can attract so much attention?
Anyway, here are some of the pointers that I think foreign tourists should take a look at,
1. First of all, leave all your perceptions of India back in the west, India is not just about snake charmers, elephants and jungles. There are quite a few tourists who seem to think that Rudyard Kipling's romanticizing of India is all true when it is not.
2. Please take care not to wound the sentiments of any Indians that you may meet, do not mock them or say things about their religion. Remember that most of the Indians, especially in the south know English quite well, even the beggar on the street would know a smattering of English.
3. When you leave the airport or the train station, ask the government official or the tourism board people to help set up your transportation, other wise you are setting yourself to get fleeced. Once you enter India, think in Rupees and not dollars.
4. DO not wear skimpy clothes, it only brings unwelcome attention and what is more it is not appreciated by the locals. I know that the Indian summer can make many a westerner sweat like anything, so do not travel to India in the peak summer season. Remember that India is not LA, so take care to wear modest clothing at all times.
5. Remember to drink plenty of fluids when in India as the heat can really get to you unless you are in the north where the opposite would hold sway, north as in the Himalayas.
6. Remember to buy some stomach medicine and carry it with you at all times as most of the Indian food is 'too spicy' for almost all the westerners. If you are the kind of person who loves a bowl of hot chili, you would love the Indian food.
7. Indians are always ready to help you at the drop of the hat, so if you need assistance, you can probably ask them for assistance. Indians by and large are quite friendly people.
8. When visiting a temple, please take care to heed the local customs, some of them may seem too antiquated to you but it is not your country so remember to follow them accordingly. When it says no photo should be taken in a temple of god, which means no photo. If you do not follow that, it may result in your camera getting confiscated or worse, in you getting arrested.
9. Certain temples are off limits to all foreigners and no exceptions are made as far as this goes, so sorry about that.
10. When you visit an Indian household, remember to take some gift with you. Take care to leave your footwear OUTSIDE the house. most of the Indians do not appreciate you trampling all over their homes with your shoes.
11. Do not hug or kiss an Indian woman as a form of greeting, that may be the norm in the west, but in India, it will result in you getting into a lot of hot water.
12. Above all, remember to be courteous and thank any Indian who helps you. Also, take care not to litter and have a nice time in India!
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Online faculty!
We all know just how valuable good teachers are, after all, the quality of a teacher defines not just the education but the whole college itself. Carpella university is one of the leading universities not just because of the course material that they have there for the 104 graduate and undergraduate specializations and 15 certificate programs but also for the fantastic faculty that they hold.
One member of such a faculty is Dr. Greenstone, the author of The Elements of Disaster Psychology: Managing Psychosocial Trauma who has redefined the education process for the students in ways never thought of before. Dr.Greenstone has taught forensic psychology, ethics, clinical interventions, theories of psychotherapy amongst many others. As a result of such excellent teaching, the standards of Carpella University has grown in leaps and bounds. Today, Carpella university is the only online university to be accredited by the CACREP.
Normally one of the most common reasons for students not wanting to go to college is that they are busy and just do not have the time for the classes or credits. But that no longer holds true as far as Carpella university goes. What is more, with such excellent faculty the online psychology degree has become all the more popular amongst students. With Carpella university, one does not get just a quality education but also a quality faculty.
The information this post is based on was provided by Blogitive
Posted by
1:00 PM
Labels: degree
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The beach resort to get to!
Each and every one of us face new pressures every single day and we all need to get away from it all. We all need to find a place where we can relax in total luxury and not have to worry about a single thing at all. Such a place is the Myrtle Beach resort. Imagine a four star resort and boutique just a few meters away from the sea, what could be more perfect to let one's hair down.
These are the days when most of us work 9 to 9 and as such, we often do not take the time to take a breather and enjoy life. If you are near a sea shell at the moment, just pick it up and listen to the sound of the sea in it. You should be able to experience a moment of bliss. That is what the Myrtle Beach hotels are all about. Bliss, if you want to describe this resort in a word, that would be the one to do it for anyone.
This is the perfect place to come to to get away from all the tension and the stress of the work place. Can you imagine yourself in a Jacuzzi and with a soft music playing in the background and with a ice cold drink in one hand and your favorite book in the other. Well, here the people at the Myrtle Beach hotels do not just imagine it, but instead have it all come true for them. In addition to a fantastic hotel and boutique, there is also the Myrtle Beach golf, which I can assure you, is totally different from any other golf that you may have played until now. All in all, just click on the links above and let that hair down!
Posted by
1:38 PM
Labels: resorts
Jodhaa Akbar - the review!
I am not sure how many of you have seen this movie yet, and if you have not done so, then you are missing out on something. This is a movie that is not paced well and there are places where the audience could be forgiven for falling to sleep. Other than that, this is a nice movie with a really decent take on Akbar and his 'Hindu' wife.
All in all, I enjoyed myself at the movies, of course, I had parked my brain at home before I went to watch this movie. There are things in the movie that is hard to accept and believe, but then again, in the end that is what it is all about, fantasy and not facts. There was such a hue and cry when this movie came out all about how historically inaccurate this movie is. Whether that is true or not, this movie is really enjoyable and is a 'must see' one for all ages. have fun!
Posted by
1:33 PM
Bloggewave rocks to new music!
For those of us who are familiar with bloggerwave, I really do not have to say much except that you all know by now that this is indeed one fantastic site. That said, for those of you not in the know, Bloggerwave is a company that pays you to do reviews and they do it well.
There are some really fantastic reviews here and some really good honest money to be earned. What is more, with all the recent mess about links and everything else, of late Bloggerwave has been sending opps with the no follow tag. Which means that as a blogger I can take up the opportunity with no fear of PR loss. That is a neat way top do opportunities and Hope that there are more of those to come soon. Anyway, for those of you who want to check out bloggerwave, please click on the link above and that will take you to the site in question!
Posted by
11:07 AM
Labels: great
The soaps!
I do not watch that much television as I used to do so, but my mum gets to watch her soaps every single day. So, on one of my off days, I made the mistake of asking her to explain the story to me in one of her soaps, which by the way, showed a major character dying in that episode.
She did tell me the story, et al and now when I saw the soap again,believe it or not, that particular character has come back to life. I am a bit shocked at how ruthless these television production houses are in reality. In the hurry to make money, they certainly do not mind making the public swallow whatever swill they give out by way of these soaps. I understand that most of these sopas pander to the stay at home mums and the old age crowd. I can understand that, but what I cannot put up with are the ridiculous story lines that all soaps, whether they are made in America or in India, have in common! Enough is enough, start treating us seriously!
Posted by
11:01 AM
Labels: dramas, entertainment, shows, soaps, television
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Discounts at what you sit on!
We all love the comfortable look for our houses and one of the ways to go about it is to get some neo-modern furniture. Besides giving you that new look the modern furniture would also turn out to be a whole lot more comfortable than that dusty, musky chair that you are currently sitting upon.
It is a common misconception that modern furniture is not comfortable in the least. That is so wrong on so many a level, the modern furniture is just as comfortable as the old ones, maybe even more so. One of the ways to shop for some, without any hassle of shop assistants is to do it online. But which shop to go to, well, I have already done the research and in my opinion one of the best sites for discount contemporary furniture,is this one. Not only are all the pieces her are ultra-sleek and totally modern, but the price ranges are also the most attractive ones in the whole field. With the whole range of discounts that one can get here, the cost is so minimal that do not be surprised if you end up purchasing more than you wanted to initially. Check it out by way of the links posted above.
Posted by
2:11 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Star Wars, Barbie dolls, and the Wedding cake!
I have to say that when it comes to wedding, the women seem to think that the day is meant only for them. They seem to think that anything and everything should be according to their wishes and god help those who disagree with them. Well, I am a dude who is also a Star Wars fan and recently I married the love of my life, not princess Leia but my real life love.
Anyway, it all started with the wedding cake, my wife wanted a cake with all cupids shooting arrows at a miniature of me and her, all under a canopy of roses. First of all, I really did not see the point of having 33 cupids on a cake shooting arrows at me. It is bad enough to have one arrow sticking out of ‘mini me’ [it was really sticking out of my behind] and now I have to contend with 32 more arrows as well. Anyway my wife liked the design of ‘eternal love’ and wanted me to sign on the dotted line for the cake. To me, it was more like Cupid’s war and I was dead right in the center of it.
The cake itself was a three layered cake and in Vanilla flavor, that part was fine by me. But what I found too much was the roses and the Cupids, to me it seemed like an arrangement of roses and Cupids and with a little bit of cake on them. I am not exaggerating, that is how it seemed to me. So I decided to agree with my wife as far as the design of the cake went but I wanted to have a little bit of myself in the cake as well.
What is so wrong with that? All I wanted was to have the ‘Mini me’ dressed up as Han Solo. You cannot imagine the fit that my wife threw and in the end, I decided to let her get her perfect cake. But on one condition, that princess Leia will make an appearance at our honeymoon. To all those prospective grooms out there, all I can say is that you can catch more flies with honey than you can do with vinegar. If your fiancé wants to have the perfect cake, well, let her have it and in the end, like me, you can have your cake and eat it too!
Posted by
1:46 PM
Labels: agreement, cupids, life, love, marriage, relationship, star wars.species, wedding
Dark cakes and a bright wedding!
I have always had a penchant for dark chocolate and that is what I had on my wedding day. True, people often say that white is the way to go, but then again, if everything was white then we all would probably end up suffering from a case of ‘whitewash’.
The wedding was a small affair, held in the neighborhood park. When I say that the whole neighborhood attended the affair that is exactly what happened. Lets just say that the whole neighborhood was at my gala affair and that pleased me more than anything else. They did not just saunter in and eat everything in sight [although my husbands friends did exactly that] but they actually chipped in and helped out, with the furniture and the setting as well.
The whole affair was conducted under one big canopy and it did kind of make me feel like as though I was at a circus. Kind of like the prize lamb being dragged of to ‘you know what’. I guess every bride ends up feeling a bit nervous at the final stage and hey, I was no exception to that. I was at the edge of my seat trying my best not to do a ‘Julia Roberts - Runaway bride’.
The one thing that did get me through that phase was the thought what the others would say when they saw that the cake was not a ceremonial one but a dark, dark one, oozing chocolate from all corners. I am sure that the young ones at my wedding were quite pleasantly surprised but for the rest of my orthodox family..
Well, that cake certainly made waves and I liked every moment of it. All I can say is that when it is your time to be wed, follow your heart and do not let the others do the talking for you. Dark, dark chocolate… one of a kind and my wedding too was one of a kind!
Posted by
1:37 PM
Labels: bliss, chocolate, desert.black forest cake, julia roberts, marriage, partnership, runaway bride, wedding
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Latest Online casino!
With the entry of this online casino things have started heating up where casinos are concerned. From what I have seen this site can and will give any of them a run for their money.
This site offers all its members a neat welcome package of $808 and that is one neat way to start cashing on your 'lady luck'. With the neat designs the casino games are quite easy to handle and no one should have any issues with any of them. On top of this, this site also runs various promotional offers from time to time, so keep your eyes peeled for those as well. I have to say that this virtual casino is a casino with a difference and in the right way at that!
Posted by
4:44 PM
The bollywood wedding!
Finally Sanjay dutt is in the news for all the right reasons. Of late, controversies seem to follow this actor whereever he went. Anyway, the latest news about him is that he has finally married his model girlfriend and all I can say is that this person truly deserves all the happiness that is due to him after all that he has been through!
Posted by
4:42 PM
Labels: bollywood, sanjay dutt
The code to your identity!
I am sure that most of you must have either seen 'Da vinci's code' or read the book at the least. So we do know that Id theft has been in existence since time immemorial. What is there to prevent your id from being stolen the next time you log into a computer to book your movie tickets? For such a transaction, you would probably need your credit card to do that. Once you start using your card for online transactions, you pretty much leave yourself open to an Id theft. That is why we need the services of companies like Life Lock.
This company has certainly proved itself to be the leader in Id theft prevention companies and what is more, they are putting their money where their mouth is. That is, they are ensuring that our Id does not get stolen to the tune of a million dollars. Naturally you may think that any such product that such a company would offer us would be priced so high that only the rich and the famous could afford it. Well, with LifeLock that is not the case.
The prices are so attractive that now anyone can easily afford to protect their identity.
In addition to having some of the lowest prices in the market, they are also featuring a discount coupon by which one can get the latest Id theft protection device from LifeLock.com at a large discount. So, if this is what you are looking out for, then click on!
Posted by
2:21 PM
Labels: discounts
At last, the Truth - Bollywood masala!
Bollywood, a name that is quite apt, now more than ever before. With more and more starlets looking like well-polished Barbie dolls, one can only wonder when on earth do they have the time to act in movies, leave alone, read the scripts. Anyway, the latest soap to envelop Bollywood concerned both Saif ali khan and Kareena kapoor.
It was rumored for quite some time that these two were quite deeply in love and were going to tie the knot really soon. And then, Saif dropped the proverbial bomb by telling one and all that he was just friends with Kareena and that neither he nor his family appreciated the media talking about their 'Friendship' like this. He actually went to the extent to say that the media was 'vulgarizing' their relationship.
Fine, I guess if you are friends with someone and the common misconception is that you are in love with that person, you would probably want to correct that at the earliest opportunity. I will agree so far, but when one of the television news channels kept repeatedly beaming Saif's misgivings with the media and telecasting at the same time images of Kareena kapoor sporting a heavy, really heavy engagement ring and then that taken with images of Saif sporting Kareena's name as a tattoo on his arm....... What the hell???
I started laughing right there and then, okay you are friends with a person so you buy them a 'bling' engagement ring and want to call that friendship or you disfigure your skin permanently with a tattoo of that person's name and you call the whole thing as 'friendship', fine... Hey, you want to be labeled as an ass in national television, fine by me.
Frankly, I think that the whole thing was an act put up by both of them so as to garner more attention to them. In the end, today, Saif came out and told the media that he is in love with Kareena.... yeah, that was a shocker!
In the end, we all ended up wasting all of our precious time wondering what is going on with Saif and Kareena. I think that the whole episode has highlighted the fact that most of Bollywood, women and men together, seem to lack a few bricks in the attic, maybe they even have a huge hole there...
Posted by
1:50 PM
Labels: actors, actress, bollywood, drama, engagement, kareena kapoor, lifestyle, love, movies, saif ali khan, wedding
Monday, February 11, 2008
Id theft while traveling!
These days the criminals are getting bolder and bolder and they resort to all sorts of methods in order to steal from you. I am sure that most of you must have seen the movie 'The Net' where a programmer gets her identity stolen while she travels. This is not something that takes place in the movies alone. Whenever we travel, we often leave ourselves vulnerable to such thefts taking place. When I traveled to Morocco, my cards got stolen and since then whenever I travel, I make it a point to use LifeLock.
This way, I feel safe whenever I travel and until today it has been effective in preventing any such identity theft taking place. Life Lock is an id theft prevention company and as such they guarantee your identity up to $1,000,000.
This is the age of the internet where even the most complicated decisions are rendered simple by the digital age. As such, it has become a very easy thing top steal ones identity and steal whatever you want from them.
Here is where LifeLock.com steps in by making sure that such a theft does not take place. So check it out before what happened to Sandra Bullock in 'The Net' happens to you!
Posted by
1:56 PM
The cold wave!
At the moment a severe cold wave is sweeping through northern India and all that anyone can do is to brace themselves and to drink a cup of hot 'chai'. With the heaviest snowfall being recorded in Kashmir, more of thje cold weather is to come.
Today, many of the tourists who were trappen in Kashmir as a result of the heavy snowfall were airlifted to safety.
In such cold times, I guess sitting on the sofa and sipping a cup of hot cocoa would just be heavenly!hmmmmmmm!
Medicine - the info point!
These days with everyone doing the best that they can to get the jump on their rivals, the competition is getting more and more ruthless especially when it comes to medical professions. That aside, the medical profession seems to be inventing new and new areas so that it is getting all the more difficult for the students to decide what they want to specialize in. If your interest was in becoming a ultrasound tech, then do not fret as you can get all the details about that career at this site.
Often the students do not know what a specialization is all about, but do not fret, as this site explains all the medical careers from A to Z. What is more, in addition to all the information on the various careers in the medical field, it also provides all the latest information on the medical colleges as well. Say you want to know more about the ultrasound tech school, you can get all of that information right here.
The neat thing is that this site almost doubles up as a guidance counselor and that is indeed a good thing as there are few and few such counselors available to the medical students. With this site, any doubts that you may have had about your choice of profession should be cleared up and you can also get up to date information on all the medical colleges including the ultrasound technician school. So click on the link and come on in!
Posted by
1:38 PM
Shoes are a woman's best friend??
That is not exactly surprising news but I had always thought that Diamonds were a woman's best friend. With Diamonds I can understand it; it is the shiny glitter and the value/rarity of it that makes it so indispensable to a woman.
But shoes? I have seen movies where a woman goes out to buy shoes so as to forget her problems. How does that work?
How on earth does buying shoes solve ones problem? Or for that matter, why are the shoes so important to a woman?
I wonder what the cavewomen did to solve their problems. I guess that there is a grain of truth in the saying that 'Men are from Mars and Women from Venus'.
Need to know more on Travel insurance?
Well, If you wanted to know more on travel insurance, the real details then the only online insurance that you need to go to is this one. Contrary to what most of the other insurance companies tell you, the policies that they hand out provides only for a partial coverage when you travel.
Say you have just purchased travel insurance from one of those shady insurance firms and that you are now traveling to Morocco. In Morocco, you end up breaking a leg and need to be hospitalized, so you would think that the insurance that you had just purchased from that shady firm would cover your medical costs.
You end up finding out that the so called policy that you purchased does not cover any injuries that take place overseas. Then what is the result of having travel insurance in the first place if it does not provide the help that one may need. That is why it is important that you go to this insurance portal to know all that you must know as far as insurance goes. It will give you all the details on the travel insurance and what you must look out for to insure coverage even when you are traveling overseas.
This site provides a real depth of information as far as insurance goes and in addition the quotes here are really low when compared to the other companies. So to know more on Insurance, coverage and premiums, just click on the link and discover the joy of traveling safely!
Posted by
11:10 AM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Silver is the way to go!
Silver has certainly turned a corner and has started shining bright and at times brighter than even gold. These are the days when one should seriously consider investing in silver. You can either invest in silver as a commodity by purchasing it in the form of Ingots or get yourself some really rad silver jewelery.
The jewelery option may appeal to so many of you, as for one it is a piece of jewelery and for another it is one whose value is on the rise.
The Monex deposit company [MDC] has been a world leader in the investment of precious metals and they have been giving out valuable advice regarding investing in precious metals for a long time to come.
These days, if you are planning to invest in precious metals or purchase them for your own collection, then these are the guys to go to. For one, they know this market in depth and also know the places where you can get the best price for the white metal.
With these guys, you will always get the good quality silver at the best rates possible. What is more, they have a dedicated staff that understands the needs of the customers and as such, they are always available to help you out with all of your queries. So if you are planning to buy silver for your own collection or to invest in them, click on the link and come on in!
Posted by
9:23 AM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Time for a Kancheepuram idli?
Right now, it is late morning and I wish that I had a snack or two with a hot kancheepuram idli or two. This idli is not like all the other idli's that one may have come across, rather it is hot, peppery and contains a few herbs or so that gives it a whole new tang.
Kancheepuram, the city of a 1000 temples or so has been in existence for a long time to come and so has this idli that carries the same moniker. To travel to kancheepuram, one can catch a flight to Chennai and from there rent a car/taxi or go by bus to this fabled city. This is a city that is steeped in tradition and if you are planning to flaunt your body by travelling there in a bikini, do not bother to go there at all. This is a city that still believes in the old ways and the quaint thing about all this is the atmosphere here.
One of the places that one must visit in Kancheepuram is the Kamakshi Amman temple, this temple was built by the rulers of the Chola Empire in and around the 14th century and its control lies with the Sankara mutt. The Sankara mutt is another place that one can go to for a peace of mind.
The oldest temple here in Kancheepuram is the Kailashanathar temple and this was built by the Pallava rulers around the 8th century. When you walk in such old temples, one of the things to hit you is the smell of bats. As the temples are old and as the rafters are old, the bats have got themselves a nice and cosy home. Remember that these structures are old and as such, bats and other avian creatures may have made home in these places. All that does is add to the already ancient air of these temples.
Normally, the westerners who visit here have certain preconceptions and all I can say on that is to leave your preconceptions at home where they belong. Please remember that you are not allowed to take photos inside of the temple and if you plan on still doing so, say goodbye to your camera.
The ambiance aside, there are very few decent hotels here in Kancheepuram. This place is literally like a time machine that takes you back a few centuries. All in all it was a very nice experience for me to visit these temples especially the Ekambareshwar temple. This temple has a very nice story to go with it and has a tree that is most definitely a 'must see' one. Have a nice time in Kancheepuram and have a idli or two!
Posted by
10:19 PM
The yahoo travel portal!
The Yahoo travel portal seems to be getting more and more personalized these days. With the recent imbroglio concerning yahoo and Microsoft, i am not surprised that they are sprucing up the site but as i researched some information for my upcoming vacation to ooty, i was surprised to see the depth of the information that was available in that site. From the sights to see to the food that one can expect there, this portal had also linked up to reviews of other travellers as well. Check it out!
Posted by
9:47 PM
Labels: hotels, microsoft, ooty, organic food, travel, yahoo
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Into Online billiards - read this!
The neat way to play a game is to do it online and as such one needs to play these games at a site where the design is great and the service fantastic. This site clearly fits the bill and if you are planning to play online snooker here, believe me that would indeed be a great experience!
For one, the site is so well designed that a 70 year old person would have no issues in playing any of these games and that is indeed something. Besides the design, this site is totally dedicated to these games and if you want to play snooker, this is where you head to. The customer service here is really good and what is more in addition to the games, one can also get the very latest information on Billiard tournaments which are being currently played. So you can say that this is also an information counter, all in all, this site is certainly a place that all gamers should go to in order to play the real game!
Posted by
8:30 AM
Labels: counter, information
Rambo 4 - a journey into gore!
Of all the movies that one can be expected to see over a period of time, this is the one that one can be sure to contain all the gore and action. As far as those two are concerned, well, this movie will not disappoint you in the least. Besides a fast paced story, it has Rambo in a new role altogether, one where he actually thinks. Either way, for action alone, one can see this movie, but if you are expecting an Oscar performance from any of the actors, it is better that you stay at home! have fun!
Posted by
8:26 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
The way to see the new look!
When the doctor told us that we would have to wear glasses from now on, there would be a grimace at the thought of it. For one, we would think of how ugly the glasses would look and the imact on our respective faces. All that is a thing of the past, especially if you were to go to this shop for the medically prescribed Zenni Optical $8 Rx Glasses. With the new sleek look, these glasses are not ugly but are instead a thing of beauty.
One can get the latest trandy wear in glasses here, for both the Men and Women. Gone are the days of the bulky wear and say hello to the Best Thing Found: Zenni Optical. With more and more people preferring glasses to comtacts, is it any surprise that one would naturally aim for the latest even in purchasing glasses? If you agree, then I am sure that you would be beating a path to the Great Discovery: Zenni Optical.
Posted by
2:56 PM
Labels: glasses
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The help with our travel plans!
Whenever we travel with our family, it costs a bundle and if the trip is to some exotic location, well one can imagine the run up of the costs. As it is, these days, it is getting harder and harder to get by and when it comes to that family trip, we all need a hand or two with our finances. So in such circumstances, it may be a good idea to consider Start Up Financing.
Forget all about the bank, they have pretty much tightened the purse strings ever since the sub prime disaster. Even a small loan application takes the bank eons to approve. So banks may not suit our needs here. We need the Start Up Financing to finance our holiday with our entire family. We need the funds fast and the one of the few sites that seems to fit the bill is this one here.
Here at this site, our loan approval is so quick that it is only moments before the cash is deposited to your checking account. And the customer service here is really fantastic. All things considered, this is indeed the best option when it comes to the topic of Start Up Financing.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Nicaraguan delight!
Whenever we think of Nicaragua these days, it is more in relation to some of the most wonderful beaches than anything else. For one, Nicaragua has some great white sandy beach fronts that are calling to all of us. For those of you who do heed that call, all I can say is that you will not be disappointed at all!
One of the best places in Nicaragua for the best beach experience is none other than San Juan del Sur. It is a tiny beach town, just north of Costa rica and one that will make you think great things about Nicaragua. Here, at San Juan del Sur, is one of the best hotels that you would have ever stayed in. You can say that this hotel is the best of all the San Juan del Sur Hotels
. It is none other than the La Posada Azul.
This hotel is really great in the sense that the ambiance that one gets here is just incomparable to any other place in all of Nicaragua. All the rooms come with their own private baths and I have to say that the service ad the hospitality here is just nothing but fantastic in this Nicaragua Hotel.
This place is just a small fishing village and as such, you may even end up having the whole place to yourself. To get to San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
just take a flight to Granada from where this beautiful place is just 11/2 hours away or you can also travel from Costa rica, the choice is yours. All in all, this is one of a kind of a place that no traveler in his or her right mind would miss out on, so take the next flight and come down and check out this 'beach hotel' for yourself!
Posted by
11:29 AM
Misty morning!
These days it seems to get more and more mistier in the mornings, if there is such a word. I guess it has to do with the recent cold wave that we are all experiencing. It is really fantastic to take a walk in the cold mist, it really energises you in more ways than one. All you have to do is to take a walk, not jog, along the beach front and with the sound of the breakers/waves hitting the shores and the screech of the sea gulls flying overhead and with the tangy salty air, one can forget the rest of the world and just have some plain and healthy fun! Try it and you will see what I mean!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The new wave is here!
Most of us have websites and we all love to get some good traffic to our sites. Of course, while we are trying to do that we also would love to earn money on the side. Until now, we used to do that with ad sense, but the new wave of advertising is here. It is the audio ads and these are the new flavor of the season. What is more besides the new variety of ads, this site also offers a three level affiliate program that one can utilise to complement the earnings from the ads.
Take care to note that the affiliate program will close by 2/1, so hurry up. What makes this program interesting is that there is also the option for lifetime residual income stream as well. All in all, along with some good quality traffic, you will now be able to make your site stand out from the rest of the pack and to top it all off, an income stream that is just unbelievable! So, click on the link and come on in!
Posted by
4:27 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Dim sums and the glory of it!
I kind of like the title, don’t you? Well, any New Year that is on the horizon only gives us an extra reason to have fun. One of the ways for me to relax and have fun is to cook whether it is baking cookies or making a full fledged meal.
I love my Dim sums and make it a point to cook one variety or the other of it, at least, once every two weeks. You can make Dim sums as the steamed variety or the boiled ones or the fried ones. It is up to you. The thing to note here is that if you are planning to make fried ones, remember that olive oil can change the flavor altogether. So just use ordinary cooking oil for this purpose and forget all about the fat content of it and so on.
It is only once in a blue moon that you are making these dim sums so just use the cooking oil and not the olive ones. What is more it is only the trans fats that you should be worried about, so to use fresh cooking oil would not harm you much. Here, I am going off on to a different tangent altogether, so coming back to dim sums, they are very easy to make and you will enjoy the experience of making them.
My favorite dim sum is the chicken wontons and for this you will need 6 ounces of chicken breast, remember you can increase the amount of the ingredients and you will need to compensate. Now, you will also need some shallots, some garlic paste [makes it easier to cook with], some sesame oil or peanut butter [for that smoky aroma], some vegetables [ your choice, but I normally use carrots, cabbage and bean sprouts],2 tbs of soy sauce and some sugar. You will also need some chilly paste as well as some salt and a deep pan for the frying.
Heat the oil in the pan and fry the shallots, garlic paste and the chilly paste. Add the chicken and stir fry, remember that when the chicken changes color, which means that it is almost cooked. Tip: try to leave out the skins, as this will help the chicken to absorb the flavors quickly and cook well. Now, remove the pan and let it cool down. Take some of the wonton wrappers and place a small portion of the chicken curry mixture in the middle; now wet the edges of the wrapper with water. Use a second wrapper on the top and bring all the edges together. You can do it with the single wrapper but it is much better to use the two of them. You can then close it and make then ends as stylish as possible or not. It is all up to you.
Heat the oil again in the pan and start frying the wontons. Remember, do not keep the oil on high heat as that would sear the wontons and you do not want that. So, keep the flames on medium and fry the wontons until they turn golden brown. Enjoy your wontons and have fun at the same time. Good luck with your cooking and a Happy Chinese New Year!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The online education!
There are so many of us who would like to take up another degree but do not have the time to do so. As it is, if you desire for a higher qualification, then you have come to the right place. Have you heard of the Capella University, the one stop junction for all those of you who need a higher degree but just do not have the time to attend an actual physical course.
Here, at the Capella university, they offer something like 104 graduate and undergraduate degrees as well as 15 certificate programs. What is more, with the help of the reputed faculty of which one of them happens to be none other than the Dr. James L. Greenstone, the author of the ‘The Elements of Disaster Psychology’, one can see that the quality of the education at the Capella University has indeed gone up. With Dr. James as a part of the faculty, the online psychology degree would indeed seem a whole lot more interesting now, doesn’t it? By the way, Capella University is a fully accredited university and offers many online degree programs and the best part of all this is that you get to decide how much of your time you want to devote to this. So, if you are seeking a higher education within the time that you can spare, then this is the place, so click on the link!
this is sponsored by blogitive!
Posted by
10:04 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Smaller wallets!
The wallets are getting smaller these days in more ways than one, with the way that the economy is doing, travelling to even nearby places seems to be out of the question for most of us. When the holidays come about, we all love to travel to distant places with our entire family on tow, that seems to be a distant dream these days.
With the cost of living shooting up and showing no signs of slowing down at all, even getting by seems to be a difficult thing to do these days. Even if we apply for bank loan these days, with the banks all tightening up their respective purse strings, climbing Mount Everest seems to be a much easier thing to do.
The only safe option for short term emergency loan that is available these days is the presence of companies like these that offer us the payday loan. The thing to note here is that this company is really great in the sense that the rate of interest that they charge on the loan is really low and what is more the repayment plan is also quite flexible. The neat thing about all this is that the loan approval does not take that much time and it is really fast. Once approved, they deposit the funds to your bank account right away, so you will have the cash sitting in your account all waiting for you! So, if you are in need of some emergency funds, well feel free to apply by clicking on the link above!
Posted by
1:12 PM
Labels: expenditure, travel
The L4!
This is a roof top restaurant at the Citicenter in Chennai, and as such, it is really a nice place to have one's dinner under the stars. The food may be average but the ambiance is really good. What is more, it is right on the sea shore and it is really pleasing to see the ships pass by, all lit up like candles in the dark. With a brisk weather, one will find the time passing very quickly, when eating out at the L4!
Posted by
1:06 PM
Labels: cusine, hotel, organic food, restaurants
Friday, January 11, 2008
The career development!
These days one needs all the help that one can get with ones career and on that note, this site is the best source for ones career development in the field of construction. This site gives up to date information relating to this field, from info on how to go about getting ones licence to health and safety tips as well as other related tips as well.
The field of construction is ever growing at a rapid pace and as such there is always a good demand for skilled workers. So, for rapid advancement as well as knowledge in this area, it definitely pays to visit this site and give it the once over. Naturally this field is very competitive and as such one needs all the help that one can get in order to get an edge over ones rival in this business. This site is really helpful in that regard and what is more, with the skills that one has, one can also learn where to acquire fresh new ones as well. So, for career development, I would say that visiting this site is a must and feel free to do so by clicking on the link!
Posted by
3:55 PM
Labels: area, construction, work
Aliens - a short note!
I have seen many horror and sci-fic movies but none as enthralling as the 'Aliens'. This movie may not be as popular as the 'Star wars' but is much more interesting than a fancy movie about good versus bad. In the real horror movies, or ones that have a lasting impact, there is not much difference between the good and the bad and this movie exemplifies that very clearly.
There is no villain here except it is a case of one species against another, I think that is why this movie became so popular. That and the presence of Sigourney Weaver, made this movie, one to remember for a long time to come. I shall be doing an in depth review of this movie later on, just wanted to say a few words on it for now!
Posted by
3:39 PM
Labels: aliens, culture, difference, horror, james cameron, movie, science fiction, sigourney weaver, star wars.species, war
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The online casino to travel to!
Are you one of those who wish that you could travel to Las Vegas but could not do so? Well, do not fret, as this online casino will take care of that. This is one site, that certainly brings the fabled city to you directly on a silver platter. The site as it is is really great, it is just like taking a walk into one of the many casinos in the fabled city itself.
The design of the site is really neat and on registering here, you can avail yourself of the 320% as a sign up bonus. I am sure that this site will give any vegas casino a run for its money. The games are numerous here and you can play anything that gets your attention, the games are really easy to play, that is, they are designed in such a way that anyone should be able to play them. The casino games that are here, from the new ones to the old fashioned ones all use PlayTech software, so they should be all up to speed. All in all, I have to give this site both thumbs up for sheer entertainment value!
Posted by
3:19 PM
The magic of rugby!
With the game of cricket all ready causing quite a tizzy in both Down under and in India, is it any wonder that the rest of us would like to keep in touch with what is happening in the sporting arena? The Rugby as a game itself, is quite an exciting event to watch. So, naturally if there is any other sport that is bound to cause any waves and generate any excitement, it will be this game more than any other.
With everything changing, it is important that we all keep in touch with what is happening with this game. To keep abreast of all the latest info as far as the 6 nations championship is concerned,all you have to do is to go to the website of RBS 6 nations and check out all the latest information on the games, the places that the championship is going to be played at and everything else as well.
With the Internet, all the barriers are down and it is no longer necessary to be in Europe to know how your Rugby team is faring in the tournament. All you have to do is to log on and catch one of the rugby podcast that gets beamed out every single day. So, come on in and click the link and know the whole world of Rugby in detail!
Posted by
1:48 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The beauty of Prague!
Prague, situated on the river Vltava in Bohemia is the capital of the Czech republic and it is quite a picturesque city in more ways than one. For the first time visitors, the city and its clocks are bound to leave them breathless, at least that was how I felt when I visited the place.
More than anything else, I have to say that it was the astronomical clock that was more fascinating than anything else. The city has been a center of development for nearly 1000 years or so and one can literally see the ages of the past in the architecture of many of the buildings. The sights are many, that it would probably take quite a few days to take it all.
Let us not forget that Prague is kind of like a new born, in the sense that it has been rediscovered by many a tourist ever since the fall of the iron curtain. There is also a reminder of John Lennon here in Prague, it is basically a wall with graffiti that has been inspired by the genius of John Lennon , so one can say that this city has a deep connection to the Beatles.
Like I said, Prague is a beautiful city and one can very easily forget to go back home and stay here forever. This site would probably be a ton of help to all those of you who are looking to stay in Prague for some time to come. This site is more like an apartment finder and there are many apartments posted here for this wonderful city.
For travelers, if you are planning to stay in Prague for some time to come, then this site would be of great use to you as you can utilize it to locate the Luxurious Accommodations in Prague. This site specializes in the medium to short term luxurious apartments, with an emphasis on customer service. So, you would be able to enjoy your stay in them with no hassles whatsoever, with all of your worries being taken care of. Now, that is the way to enjoy Prague, with a relaxed mind and a carefree attitude!
These accommodations come at very attractive rates and it most definitely makes more sense to stay at these places than a hotel.
What is more, most of these accommodations come with a kitchen attached, so you do not have to go out and eat often. All in all, these accommodations and this site would go a long way to crimping your expenditure in Prague and you can use that extra money to stay in this beautiful city even longer than you had planned to initially. There are many night clubs here, so if you are into clubbing, then you will have a fantastic time here in Prague. Music is the language of love and this is very evident in all of Prague!
Posted by
4:08 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Newcastle - the perfect Parking!
Have you ever traveled to Newcastle? It sure is a beautiful place to visit, both in summer and winter. As it was, I had to telecommute out of it for almost 7 months and I have to say that one of the hardest things about my experience was the airport parking.
It is not that I am not a football fan, I love a game just as much as the person next to you. But Newcastle, especially the Airport parking is notorious for having 'no space' at all for new visitors. Often, I had to park my car in some dinghy joint, far away from the airport and had to either walk or take a bus to the airport. But now, with the help of this site, my life was made a whole lot easier. This site lists out all the available parking space at the airport for all days, even on the days of the big football matches. What is more, we can actually book our parking space much in advance. This is such a relief to me as I no longer have to walk long distances so that I can drive my car home and I can always be sure that my car will be there where I had left it.
The other great thing about this site is that it also lists all the available Hotel rooms near the airport as well as the average cost per room per night. This certainly makes things a whole lot easier for fellow travelers as it had done for me. So, if you are planning to travel to Newcastle or out of it, then do pay a visit to this site as it is a 'must visit' site for every dusty traveler on the road!
Posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: airport, hotels, newcastle, parking, reservations, travel, traveller
Monday, January 7, 2008
Mardi gras in New orleans!
The Mardi gras is a time when the whole city goes nuts for Bonkers, never mind who you were before the event. The one that I am talking about is none other than the 'rock all the way till you drop', by that I mean the Mardi Gras. This is one time that the whole of New Orleans seems to come alive and all of it jives along with one tune, it is sure fun to watch all the people have fun, but then again there are so many of us who would love to join in.
Now, that is a great idea but before you do that, you would have to make certain plans, for one thing is sure, come February 5th, the New Orleans will start 'jiving' with or without you.
The first thing that you should do is to naturally plan ahead and make the necessary hotel reservations, if you are planning to come over to New Orleans and you are reading this post, then you should have made the reservations ,yesterday. Almost all the hotels are fully booked for the season and if you are okay with sleeping in the park platforms, then do not bother with the reservations. This is one of those times when 'noise is golden', so this will not be the time for silent nights.
Once you reach here, there are many things that you can do, from watching the parade of costumes in the Bourbon street to shopping for beads. The beads always seem to drive everyone crazy here and everyone wants to collect as much as they can, so keep an eye out on the parades as this is where the 'beads' will be making their appearance. But you can also buy the same at many of the online shops as well.
You can even get to organize your own party sans the headache, at the Mardi gras. So if you are a college senior, in charge of hosting the Mardi gras party, this can be done , right here at New Orleans without any hassle to you personally. All the bookings will be taken care of and all you would have to do is to have some fun with your college buddies. You can also go about the King cake and see if you get anything in it.
There is just so much to do here at New Orleans at this time of the year, that I am not sure that I can put it all down here. Let us not forget the food part of it all, the food at this time of the year is just fantastic, I do not think that I have to go on about the New Orleans cuisine, but all the prawn dishes are just superlative at this time of the year. I have just listed a few of the things that you can do at this time of the year, so hope that you will have lots of fun in New Orleans as I will. So do keep an eye out for me and for those of you who want to drink all the cocktails that you can get, well, once again, this is indeed the time to party!
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2:30 PM
Labels: fun.party, mardi gras, new orleans, united states