Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bora, Bora the myth and the legend!

Bora Bora, sounds like a mythical place, doesn't it? Well, it is a real place and one that is bound to knock your socks off. Take another look at the picture with this post and you will realize what I am talking about. This is the tropical island of all tropical islands and that is putting it mildly, to say the least. Bora Bora has been the subject of quite a few books as well as many number of movies, so in reality, even if you have not visited the place yet, you are bound to have heard of it. The Flights to Bora Bora take off from most of the major cities in the world so getting there should not be much of a problem.

But remember to go there when the season is in full swing, other wise you may well miss out on the atmosphere that a crowd can bring. Unless, you are looking for a bargain, in that case, traveling during the off season, you should be able to net quite a few good offers from rooms at half the rate to services at subsidized rates. Borabora has so many sights that I am not sure how to describe them all, think the movie "beach" then you may well have the idea of what this place is like. The perfect paradise to vacation in, with almost everything taken care of.

Naturally, for a place as hot as this one is, there are quite a few hotels here but one of the best ones is none other than the Hotel Bora Bora which is just perfect. This place has all the modern amenities and the cuisine here is just great. So for your next vacation, make a beeline to Bora bora and have a real vacation!

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