Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Beijing gearing up for the Olympics!

It is time that Beijing came to terms with the various problems, both internal and external and concentrated on providing the stage for the perfect Olympics ever. One can hope that this will be the gala to outshine every other one so far. China is a wonderful place to visit and if one is into games then the Olympics would be the best time to visit China. There are quite a few problems confronting China and one can hope that with time, the Chinese would be able to settle all outstanding issues. Given the length and breadth of China, it may be a bit overwhelming for the first time visitors. So take a moment prior to your trip to read more on this nation and its rich cultural history, try to re-discover the ancient links between China and India.

The religious traditions that are followed by the modern Chinese is quite fascinating in itself, for on one hand they believe in a system that does not allow for any religious sentiments, but on the other, they have this blind faith in god, astrology and sea- monsters. Modern China is quite interesting in that way, you would probably get to see a bit of the old China shine through all that Glitz and glamour, the interesting thing is that these two china's co-exist with one another. Coming back to traveling in China, one of the must see sights is none other than the Great Wall of China itself. The structure may or may not be visible from space but it is the only monument that has been in a stage of development for 2000 years and is still being built today. back then, it was built for the purpose of security but today it is being developed to conserve the Chinese cultural heritage.

From the Three gorges dam to the markets of Guangzong, there is quite a bit to see. It is always a good idea to read a travel guide or two to China before the commencement of the trip itself. In addition to providing information on places to see, these Travel guides will also provide information on hotels to stay at as well as which ones are good and so on. Have a great time in China and hope that you are able to get a few tickets to the Olympics!

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