Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The beauty of Prague!

Prague, situated on the river Vltava in Bohemia is the capital of the Czech republic and it is quite a picturesque city in more ways than one. For the first time visitors, the city and its clocks are bound to leave them breathless, at least that was how I felt when I visited the place.

More than anything else, I have to say that it was the astronomical clock that was more fascinating than anything else. The city has been a center of development for nearly 1000 years or so and one can literally see the ages of the past in the architecture of many of the buildings. The sights are many, that it would probably take quite a few days to take it all.

Let us not forget that Prague is kind of like a new born, in the sense that it has been rediscovered by many a tourist ever since the fall of the iron curtain. There is also a reminder of John Lennon here in Prague, it is basically a wall with graffiti that has been inspired by the genius of John Lennon , so one can say that this city has a deep connection to the Beatles.

Like I said, Prague is a beautiful city and one can very easily forget to go back home and stay here forever. This site would probably be a ton of help to all those of you who are looking to stay in Prague for some time to come. This site is more like an apartment finder and there are many apartments posted here for this wonderful city.

For travelers, if you are planning to stay in Prague for some time to come, then this site would be of great use to you as you can utilize it to locate the Luxurious Accommodations in Prague. This site specializes in the medium to short term luxurious apartments, with an emphasis on customer service. So, you would be able to enjoy your stay in them with no hassles whatsoever, with all of your worries being taken care of. Now, that is the way to enjoy Prague, with a relaxed mind and a carefree attitude!
These accommodations come at very attractive rates and it most definitely makes more sense to stay at these places than a hotel.

What is more, most of these accommodations come with a kitchen attached, so you do not have to go out and eat often. All in all, these accommodations and this site would go a long way to crimping your expenditure in Prague and you can use that extra money to stay in this beautiful city even longer than you had planned to initially. There are many night clubs here, so if you are into clubbing, then you will have a fantastic time here in Prague. Music is the language of love and this is very evident in all of Prague!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

You remind me my trip to this fascinating and magic city. Very interesting article and pictures are great. I have been to Prague, and I'm sure you will like it! Because there are a lot of sightseeing! Interesting thing, that the historic center of Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.
Also I liked, that when I searched for accommodation, many of Prague hotels offer free transfers from airport. The easiest and best way find accommodation in Internet!
Also I know that on Christmas in Prague is very interesting and beautiful!