Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Newcastle - the perfect Parking!

Have you ever traveled to Newcastle? It sure is a beautiful place to visit, both in summer and winter. As it was, I had to telecommute out of it for almost 7 months and I have to say that one of the hardest things about my experience was the airport parking.

It is not that I am not a football fan, I love a game just as much as the person next to you. But Newcastle, especially the Airport parking is notorious for having 'no space' at all for new visitors. Often, I had to park my car in some dinghy joint, far away from the airport and had to either walk or take a bus to the airport. But now, with the help of this site, my life was made a whole lot easier. This site lists out all the available parking space at the airport for all days, even on the days of the big football matches. What is more, we can actually book our parking space much in advance. This is such a relief to me as I no longer have to walk long distances so that I can drive my car home and I can always be sure that my car will be there where I had left it.

The other great thing about this site is that it also lists all the available Hotel rooms near the airport as well as the average cost per room per night. This certainly makes things a whole lot easier for fellow travelers as it had done for me. So, if you are planning to travel to Newcastle or out of it, then do pay a visit to this site as it is a 'must visit' site for every dusty traveler on the road!

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