Saturday, May 31, 2008

Nepal, the republic!

The Hindu kingdom of Nepal has become transformed to a republic, for the very first time in a long long while. While the political ramifications of discharging with the 300 year old monarchy is still being felt in Nepal and many of the neighbouring countries, the current situation should not have changed all that much for the weary traveller.
For one, the same hotels that operated then, still operate now and the only visible evidence of the current constitutional crisis in Nepal can be probably be seen by the speed with which the shops are fast removing their patronage to the king.
Of course, it is a bit confusing, the king is no longer the titular head and all that. But from a travellers perspective, it should not matter much.
All that political drama aside, Nepal still continues to be a draw for many a traveller and is the perfect point to start one's journey to mount Everest.

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