Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The soaps!

I do not watch that much television as I used to do so, but my mum gets to watch her soaps every single day. So, on one of my off days, I made the mistake of asking her to explain the story to me in one of her soaps, which by the way, showed a major character dying in that episode.

She did tell me the story, et al and now when I saw the soap again,believe it or not, that particular character has come back to life. I am a bit shocked at how ruthless these television production houses are in reality. In the hurry to make money, they certainly do not mind making the public swallow whatever swill they give out by way of these soaps. I understand that most of these sopas pander to the stay at home mums and the old age crowd. I can understand that, but what I cannot put up with are the ridiculous story lines that all soaps, whether they are made in America or in India, have in common! Enough is enough, start treating us seriously!

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