Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Star Wars, Barbie dolls, and the Wedding cake!

I have to say that when it comes to wedding, the women seem to think that the day is meant only for them. They seem to think that anything and everything should be according to their wishes and god help those who disagree with them. Well, I am a dude who is also a Star Wars fan and recently I married the love of my life, not princess Leia but my real life love.

Anyway, it all started with the wedding cake, my wife wanted a cake with all cupids shooting arrows at a miniature of me and her, all under a canopy of roses. First of all, I really did not see the point of having 33 cupids on a cake shooting arrows at me. It is bad enough to have one arrow sticking out of ‘mini me’ [it was really sticking out of my behind] and now I have to contend with 32 more arrows as well. Anyway my wife liked the design of ‘eternal love’ and wanted me to sign on the dotted line for the cake. To me, it was more like Cupid’s war and I was dead right in the center of it.

The cake itself was a three layered cake and in Vanilla flavor, that part was fine by me. But what I found too much was the roses and the Cupids, to me it seemed like an arrangement of roses and Cupids and with a little bit of cake on them. I am not exaggerating, that is how it seemed to me. So I decided to agree with my wife as far as the design of the cake went but I wanted to have a little bit of myself in the cake as well.

What is so wrong with that? All I wanted was to have the ‘Mini me’ dressed up as Han Solo. You cannot imagine the fit that my wife threw and in the end, I decided to let her get her perfect cake. But on one condition, that princess Leia will make an appearance at our honeymoon. To all those prospective grooms out there, all I can say is that you can catch more flies with honey than you can do with vinegar. If your fiancĂ© wants to have the perfect cake, well, let her have it and in the end, like me, you can have your cake and eat it too!

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