Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The xmas craze!

Since the season to be merry is very near, all the shops here in Sunny chennai are just going nuts. Each and every time you visit any shopping mall, you just cannot miss out the hints that the Xmas season is very near. Most of the shops here in Chennai are handing out huge discounts and are also holding out clearing sales. They all know that the new year will bring out new fashions and as such, are doing their best to get rid of the old stock.
It is funny to see them try out any trick so that they can sell their old stocks,but hey, lucky me and lucky us, right? Anyway, if you want to get some serious shopping done, then this is the place to come to. I am sure that even the travel options will be available at huge discounts, it is indeed the season to be merry for all the consumers mainly!

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