Friday, December 7, 2007

The Ides of December!

Normally that should read as the 'Ides of March' , but with all that has happened to me in the last few days, I think that this is much more appropriate. Well, first of all, I ended up getting a cold and that lasted me almost a week.Imagine feeling sluggish and tired all the time and with lobs of yuck hanging down from your nose. That is what happened to me. The doctor told me that it was a result of all this varying temperatures that has brought up the cold.
Anyway, a week later, the cold went away and I thought that I was fine, I should know better than to predict my future. Believe it or not, just 3 days after my cold went away, actually it was 5 days, I ended up getting a viral fever. The doctor told me that the Cold sort of prepared my body for the arrival of the royal highness the 'viral fever'. So now, I feel like that I have been run over by a 10 ten truck, again and again and again........
Anyway I am starting to feel a little bit better now days and hope that I can regain the full usage of my body very soon at that. Have a nice Ides of December, folks!

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