Saturday, December 22, 2007

All about Texas and the joy of chatting!

These days we no longer have to give out any of our details like our phone number in order to chat with someone on the phone. Thanks to this company, we can talk to anyone through their chat lines and at the same time , do it all for free. This is one fantastic offer that I find really interesting, of course, the free option only applies as long as you chat locally. So the next time you want to take part in Dallas Chat you know which chat line to call.
The best thing about all this is that we get to meet really interesting people in these chat lines. The way it all works is that once you call up a chat line , you record a greeting for the other people who are online at that time, so that they can listen to your greeting and they will do like wise. This way, in the process of doing the Houston Chat you can listen to others greetings and sort through them and choose the person that you want to chat to.
Also, you can leave recorded messages at the end of your session so that once you go offline, anyone in, say, San Antonio can listen to your personal/recorded message and chat with you! This company certainly gives a whole new meaning to 'socialising'.

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