Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Shoe complex and the woman!

Why is it that nearly every women have this insane desire to own almost every single shoe in the world. This is more of a query than a post and I invite any woman reading this post to please share your views with me. As such, I think that for any woman to wear those high heeled shoes must be a torture as it is.
Just imagine, all of your body weight is being concentrated on just that slender heel, and what is more astounding is the fact that some women run around in those high heels.
For all the men reading this, just to emphasise how difficult it is to balance oneself on those high heels, just try one and try walking on it. I am sure that you will end up spraining your ankle on the first try, now try running with them on, you get my point, right? Why is this insane need to try on shoes that end up torturing your foot like this. More and more women are purchasing shoes with high heels, and it is not like that they are short or anything like that. I guess, there must indeed be something in all shoes that just cries out to any woman passing by, telling them to buy all the shoes and not just any ones, but the ones with the most slender and highest heels! Go figure!

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