Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Travel insurance that makes all the difference!

We all love to travel and recently I even made a trip myself which I shall be covering at a later post. But what I had wanted to share with all of you out there, who think that they have all the medical coverage that they may need as they travel overseas, it is time to seriously think about how far that coverage will go?

Why do we need Insurance as we travel overseas? Well, for one the food is often the most common cause of most hospitalisations overseas, lets face it, we as westerners just cannot stomach even a bit of spicy food. The minute we take it into our mouths, our tummies start rebelling right away. If we are fortunate, this distress may last only for a day or two at the most and can be handled with the most common over the counter medicines. But more often than not, our bodies just cannot handle all that hot and spicy food and as a result we often get dehydrated and need to be hospitalised. And naturally our medical expenses will just shoot up through the ceiling, and we may think that our insurance will cover all that. But here is the catch, whenever it comes to insurance, there always is a catch and the bottom line is that most of the insurance companies will not cover your medical expenses that you may incur overseas and what is more, even the few that agree to do so, will only agree to cover half of our medical expenses.

How do I know this? Well, in my last trip to Egypt, I ended up being hospitalised with both a broken leg as well as acute dehydration. What I had stated above had all happened to me . And just when I thought that there seems to be no proper travel Insurance coverage that seems to exist, I came across this company that makes sure that you get all the right coverage as you travel overseas and the best part is that they can give you the coverage for as little as 1$. So just go to this site and Click here for a FREE Quote. Happy travelling!

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