Monday, November 19, 2007

The mirror of 'Lost hopes'.

Today I had a very interesting conversation with a mirror, am I going nuts? Maybe, but I have to say that this conversation was one of the sanest that I have had in a long long time. Lets all just think about the way we converse with each other, shall we? We often have this tendency to say more than we want to but when it comes to the real crucial matters we are often tongue tied or worse, we lie through the back of our teeth.
Ostriches are better than us at this, at least they say upfront that they do not want to deal with the truth and as such they hide their heads in the sand. It is so easy to try and push that dirty truth under the rug, is it not? But truth often has this irritating habit of coming out when you least want it to and then biting you in the lower posterior with it[ in case you are wondering what am I talking about, that is just a neat way of saying butt without actually saying it]. Anyway I had a decent truthful and an honest conversation with my mirror, because the mirror can only reflect what it sees, it cannot make up that image and present it in some other way. The miror will never lie, and I have to say that I wish that everyone could be the mirror not all the time but at least some of the time. We could always present others with one of thse mirrors. Oh! what a tangled web we all weave when we pretend to deceive and that is the saddest truth of it all!

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