Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The concert tickets at the click!

Everyone loves to go to a concert or a ballet or a musical. But to actually go to one, that is to get the tickets is easier said than done. Which is why I for one am glad that there are ticket hubs like the Viagogo where we can get the Tickets to the latest shows at the drop of the hat,literally!
Recently I had travelled to Munich and wanted to take in some of the concerts that were being hosted there. But to my surprise I found that nearly all europeans love their concerts and as a result I had to spend that night watching the concert in the telly. If this is your first time to Europe and Berlin, you should remember that the germans in particular love their operas and concerts and if you plan to talk in the middle of a show, you may get kicked out of the hall. Why am I saying that here,well, because it has happened to me. I guess Europeans in general love their show and as such would not like to see someone talking in the middle of a show. Anyway, I finally managed to get the Konzert Tickets through Viagogo and I have to say that the service was very fast and getting the tickets to the particular concert I wanted to see was no problem at all.
Thorugh this leading ticket hub, one can also get theater tickets and tickets to musicals like the kind that you may hae seen on the broadway. Getting the Theater Tickets was a lesson in itself, in the sense that I had tried some of the other ticket hubs just to see if they could proide me the same quality of serice that I had gotten at Viagogo,but sadly they could not even get me a booking. I have to say that as a ticket hub these guys have impressed me to no end and in the future whenever I travel to Europe, these guys are the ones that I will use for all my ticket purchases! Go to the links above and you will see what I am talking about!

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