Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Smorty wonder!

Smorty is one of a kind of a marketplace bringing the creativity of the bloggers and the will of the advertisers all together under one roof! As such, Smorty is much better than many of the other 'paid to blog' services that exist today in the sense that they allow the bloggers to retain a certain amount of freedom in the way that they express themselves.
This is very important in the blogging world, which is why Smorty is so valued by the bloggers everywhere. The advertisers get access to an u8nlimited source of much valuable advertising resource and the bloggers get paid for blogging. Today the news media is changing and the Fourth estate has taken a a brand new form,it is called blogging. Every blogger is a reporter in the sense he or she gives out valuable info based on their experiences, which is why they are so valuable to the advertisers. The bloggers get to realise their dreams that they can now blog and at the same time they can also blog for money. Smorty is providing a much needed opportunity for the bloggers to express themselves and get paid for it At the same time! Yea! Smorty, you rock!

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