Sunday, June 3, 2007

Realtor's mobile ad billboards!

We all have this huge problem of how to get the prospective customers not just to see the ads but to remember them as well.we all know that it is difficult for the customer to remember the ads on the billboards as he/she would be concentrating on driving to wherever he/she is going.this is especially true for the realtors ads.even if a customer is intrested in the real estate that is being offered he/she would not be able to remember the contact details one stops their car just so as to memorize the contact details on the billboard.
but now realtors can rest a bit easy with their tying up with House4Cell.with this,a code would e advertised on the sign and all that a customer has to do would be to 'text' the code and he/she would get all the contact info as well as pictures to his/her mobile right away.i guess that with Cellit Mobile Marketing realtors can breathe easy knowing that they would not be losing any more prospective customers!

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