Sunday, June 3, 2007

Neat portal to sunny chennai!

Yahoo has this neat portal that allows you to book your tickets online as well as communicate your preferences to the hotels concerned.say that you live in cold Sweden and all of a sudden you have this hankering to travel to sunny Chennai, want to warm your blood up;well,if you do travel to sunny chennai that is exactly what will happen.
Chennai has a lot to offer,many attractions for the versatile crowd that comes down here year after want spiritual experience then Chennai is where you should be.after all this is the portal to 'temple world'.that said many adventure companies are now taking advantage of this long and beautiful coast line to offer many adventure sports ranging from scuba diving to para-sailing.let it not be said that chennaites do not know how to live.if you are the kind of person who loves to party,then you should check out the party circuit in chennai,where the hip crowd of chennai sway to the music of the world.if you are into speedsters,well,you can do that as well on the outskirts of chennai.traditional dances,traditional crafts,beach combing,shopping blitz,anything you want to do you can literally do it down here in chennai.
lets not forget the food.the cusine here is fiery hot.but with nthe advent of globalisation,you can probably eat turkish food here in chennai if you want short most of the food courts do deliver the 'mezzanine' concept of 'all in one'.
so check out the yahoo portal on travel and travel down to sunny chennai.

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