Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Beach calls all!

Well it is high summer and the beach is calling to all of all ages and of all backgrounds,as you can see from the photo.the people of chennai,India are all flocking to the beach to cool off with the sea waves as well as to have a nice cold ice cream on the beach.it sure is fun to walk on the sea shore as the sun sets down and really cool down.it is indeed time for some serious beach fun and i mean serious beach fun.
Of course you can always cool off by wandering into an air conditioned bar or plaza but somehow that would not be the same as the beach.just to hear the sea waves pounding the surf,thats something that no plaza would ever be able to recreate.and i thank god that i live about 10 minutes walk away from the beach!so head to the beach and beat the summer heat as it retreats in face of the monsoon!

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