Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to Keep You Furniture Clean

Immaculately clean furniture adds an elegant touch to your living room. A coffee stain on the coffee table in your living room is going to stand out, making everything appear gauche rather than classy. Polishing up your furniture and maintaining it may appear overwhelming, especially if you’re not in the knowhow on how to keep it clean. However with proper knowledge about cleaning agents and cleaning methods, you can increase the life span of your furniture to a large extent.

There are certain important aspects of cleaning that you should take into consideration while cleaning your furniture.
• Make sure that you do not use a wet cloth on the furniture on a daily basis. However, it is good to use a wet cloth if you see a remarkable stain on your furniture.

• Use a dry brush on upholstered furniture every alternate day. Dust tends to settle down at places that are not easily accessible and therefore you should make sure that you wipe off every part of the furniture properly.

• Vacuum cleaner has been regarded as a great invention. Make sure that you remove the cushions on your couch and use the vacuum cleaner on a weekly basis. Doing so helps in sucking out the surface soil and keeps the dust particles away from fibers.

• Spills are no friends of your furniture and you should make sure that you attend to the furniture at the earliest in case of a spill. Use a dry folded towel and make sure that you do not rub hard. A good idea is to gently blot the spot a few times.

• In case of leather and vinyl furniture, you should make sure that you use a cleaning agent that is silicone-free. It is always beneficial to read the manufacturer’s instruction book before choosing a particular cleaning agent for the furniture.

• One of the main problems with upholstered furniture is that the furniture tends to absorb odors and similarly fumes in the kitchen can cause a fair bit of damage to the furniture. Proper ventilation and odor control agents can help you avoid the damage that might come into picture if your furniture is exposed to smoke and fumes from cooking.

• A piece of furniture that you fell in love with requires constant care if you want it to keep its beauty intact. It is recommended that you get help from professionals once in two or three months just to ensure that your furniture is in good shape.

There are plenty of cleaning agents available in the markets but not all cleaning agents would suit the kind of furniture you have purchased. At times, people tend to use a large variety of cleaning agents on their furniture just to keep it fresh. This is not such a good idea as the chemicals present in different cleaning agents can react and damage the furniture significantly.

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