Monday, September 3, 2007

The coca cola Valhalla!

The age of the Coca cola is now on us,ladies and gentlemen.okay apart form joking and all puns aside,Coca cola has come out with this great new campaign called the Coke zero campaign.this campaign is one great opportunity for all of us to exercise that creative spark within ourselves and see what we can do with it.basically we have to make a short movie clip with all the resources that are provided at the site listed above and we can use other additional resources if we want to.but with the amount of help that is being provided i do not think that will be necessary.
Anyway we have to direct and edit our own clips and we can also record our own voices into the clips.what is really interesting about this opportunity is the fact that Coke has provided some great clips from old B&W movies and we can use those clips and remake it into our own as well.i guess it all depends on how creative you want to be.can you imagine Vivien Leigh talking to Rhett in your voice and Rhett replying back "I really do not give a damn".that is what show biz is all about and now you can be a part of ready to take up this exciting opportunity?well,then click on the link given above and start making your movie!

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